Providing Liquidity for Staked Assets

Instant liquidity for staked assets

How ThunderPOKT Works

tPOKT is a state of the art system that gives instant liquidity to staked POKT


ThunderPOKT lets users stake their POKT for hourly staking rewards (compounding). Users can stake any amount of POKT (no minimum)


When staking tPOKT you mint staked tokens which are pegged 1:1 to a POKT staked in a node. Your tPOKT can be used all across DeFi


tPOKT is an ERC-20 token, so it is usable all across DeFi

Detailed Docs

Read a more detailed explanation about tPOKT


Powered by ThunderStake

ThunderStake is a premier node provider which consistently performs above the network average.